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Refund policy

At TMBB we believe in being fair to our customers. To that end, we provide a fully-functional trial version for all our products. Because we offer you this trial, we are unable to approve refunds for our software.

Refund exceptions

All purchases are final. Refund exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis, due to exceptional circumstances. When exceptions are made, refunds may not include original shipping and handling charges.

Refund exceptions will be granted in the case where our software is determined to be defective and we cannot solve the problem within 90 days. You must contact us within 30 days of your purchase to report the problem, and you agree to work with us to resolve the problem before the refund can be issued.

When refunds are authorized, you must destroy all copies of the software and registration codes. It is illegal to continue using software after it has been returned, and TMBB reserves the right to enforce this in its software (by disabling registration codes, automatic updates, etc.). Refunds on purchases will be posted to the original credit card used at the time of sale.

For more information about refunds contact us at

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